NEONnoir Walkthrough

While I tried to give as many clues as possible, there wasn't time to do extensive playtesting, therefore, it's possible that what I think makes sense is confined completely an solely in my head.

To help you along, in case you need it, here's guide to beat the game.

I just started, now what?

Now it's time to talk to people. There are only four people you can try to talk to, but only one that is willing to have a conversation.

How do I get into the Alleycat?

You need to get a password from Glitch and a ticket from Tweaker.

How do I get the password?

You need to hack the ATM, aka, the Jackpot, and return to Glitch

The Tinman won't let me use the ATM!

You need to be strong in your conviction. Don't be afraid to call him an idiot.

How do I get the Ticket?

Did you talk to Tweaker? He's in the subway.

How do I get the noodles?

You'll need to break into Takeshi's. The door is in a small alleyway.

The door to Takeshi's Noodles is locked

You'll need a keycard. Takeshi probably has it.

Where can I find Takeshi?

Remember what Glitch said about him? He's probably not very alive right now.

I still can't find Takeshi

Where does one take out the trash? There's a dumpster when you leave the Subway.

The bouncer won't let me in!

If you already did the quests for Glitch and Tweaker, don't forget to talk to them so you can get what you need.

Acid Nova isn't helping

Go through every dialogue option and then leave. He'll get what's coming to him soon enough.

What am I supposed to find at Danni's place?

Three things. Two of them are in the bedroom. For the other, make sure you talk to Crystal and leave no question unasked.

I can't get into the laundromat!

Don't worry about it, go to your apartment instead. Note the poster near the laundromat.

Can I pet the dog?

You can give her treats and tell her she's a good girl

Gladys shut me down. Now what?

Did you try using her computer?

Gladys won't let me use her computer

Do you know anyone who's tech savvy? Someone that could put a *glitch* in the system?

I got the hack tool, but I still can't get to Gladys's computer

You need Gladys to be distracted just for a moment. Perhaps you can talk to one of her employees? I hope I'm being Crystal clear here.

Where do I look at the data?

Your apartment.

What am I looking for?

Look at all the entries, pay close attention to the list of customers.

What do I do with this new photo?

What else? Show everyone you've met. Maybe they know him.

Acid Nova isn't helping

You need some dirt on him. Show the picture of JV to Glitch. Then talk to Acid.

Blake keeps saying that he thinks he's forgetting something at Building 19

You need to find two things. One's in the office, the other in the storage.

I'm done at Building 19, now what?

Why don't you run the parcel number on your computer, there might be a lot of interesting information.

How do I beat Visser? He's too powerful!

Punch him in the stomach, slam him against the pipes, and knee him in the groin. Like a civilized person.

The Tinman won't let me into the server room

You need to find a reason for him to leave his post.

Yeah but how?

Maybe you can find something in the medical room to add to the coffee in the cafe/breakroom.

I got those things, now what? I can't combine items in my inventory!

And you don't need to! Just talk to him.


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